Contacts Czech Republic

Michal Černý
Production director Flexo

Mgr. Jan Lenko
Production director Rollers

Bc. Lukáš Úlehla
Customer service

Ing. Miloš Pluhař
Sales Director - rollers

Martina Hartychová
Customer Service – Rollers

Adam Nejedlý
Customer service

Local dealer

Mr. Matti Kiijärvi

Mr. Bhupendra Srivastava

India, Middle East, Kenya, Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia

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About us

Company LIGUM s.r.o.

LIGUM spol. s.r.o. started production in Jablonec nad Nisou in May 1993. The company’s foreign partners, Gummiwerke Kraiburg and Egberts Rubber, provided their experience and know-how and thus significantly contributed to the very fast initial development of the company. Modern technologies, high-quality machinery and especially the enthusiasm of our entire team have been the basic prerequisites of success.


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